Put it all together

  1. Determine which pantry model type will work best. There are many types of client choice pantry models. Go with the one that best suits your needs while keeping in mind the client experience.
  2. Make a plan to stock your pantry based on the MyPlate. It is important to offer as much variety as you are able while focusing on foods lower in sugar, sodium, and fat.
  3. Design your pantry space. Drawing out a detailed plan will help you and those assisting you understand what you are visualizing.
  4. Determine how much food you can give your clients and create a budget plan. There are some great tools for you to download and reuse as you create your budget.
  5. Pantry Leaders: Write a procedure. Having a printed resource you and your staff can refer back to is very useful when you are short staffed.
  6. Recruit and train volunteers. Recruit and train volunteers to ensure your whole organization is on the same page with your client experience.

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